Marketing & Selling Books


 We Sell Books
We Market & Sell                    Books

Looking to do a book launch?

We can help you. Click on the link below to download a one-page document: The Book Marketing Journey 

We can help brand YOU so you stand out in a noisy world.

We have contacts and can get you publicity. Let’s get your book out there and we’ll get you MEGA exposure! On the radio, podcasts, on television and IN FRONT OF DECISION MAKERS!

We’ll have your brand “where the eyeballs are,” in a very short period of time!

Haven’t written a book yet?

We can help you write one, or provide the editing, proofreading or publishing help you need. Or, we can write it entirely for you.

How can we help you today?

Here are some ways we market authors:

OBJECTIVE: to create “buzz” for the forthcoming book (Title: YOUR BOOK). The dream is to sell 100,000 to a million copies!

SCOPE OF WORK: To provide marketing expertise around the book launch–and beyond.

ASSUMPTIONS: Book will be out sometime in (XQYY) and will sell for between $$ and $$$/copy. When it is released, it will be well written and “road tested” (employing beta testers to ensure relevance). The target market is (you define your TM).

GOAL: Get this book into wide circulation and position author as a thought leader in this space. Selling at least 3,000 copies would help the book receive serious consideration for getting picked up by a traditional publisher. The goal is to sell at least 10,000 copies.

SPEAKER CREDENTIALS: The author has a background in __________________.  

MARKETING CREDENTIALS: Felsburg has elaborate experience working in a marketing/branding/PR capacity, including for a five figure keynote speaker. He also has worked extensively in publishing and global communications for over 35 years.

Frank has spoken over a thousand times at various venues and is connected to a number of meeting planners (see biography elsewhere on this site for further information).

REALITY: The best marketing for this book is that it is a good product (will be well written, inviting to the reader and have testimonials from top influencers in the professional world). The reality is most authors only sell about 100 books. 

MARKETING SERVICES PROVIDED: Work with author to get started immediately on promotion of forthcoming book to prepare for book launch (or existing book to boost sales). Secure paid and (in some instances) non-paid speaking engagements for author to build brand identity. Goal would be to get him or her on talk shows as a guest, which would enhance exposure and lead to more lucrative speaking engagements. 

Social Media: One option is Felsburg can take control of author’s social media sites and enhance his or her platform. This could involve posting videos, blog posts, links to interesting articles and such. It generally takes at least six months to get any serious traction (starting from zero) on Social Media sites, unless the author has a strong platform already. 

  • Facebook: continue to build network by posting videos, pictures and text
  • LinkedIn: Beef up profile and blog at least several times per month
  • Twitter: Continue to accumulate followers and create “Top of Mind” awareness
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Writing: Blogging on LinkedIn, website, etc.

Audio: Felsburg’s expertise in sound is often utilized to make podcasts.

Marketing: Continue to create an authentic brand for author. Other ideas include author partnering with other thought leaders in their chosen industry.

Traditional Public Relations: Felsburg has contacts at local as well as national media empires (Mid-Atlantic States and beyond). He can get author book-signing gigs and media appearances. Will send out press releases to the media (and use other tricks of the trade), informing them of the book signing dates and tying them to local events.

Speaking: Speaking is an excellent way to promote book sales (as audience members who LIKE speakers often want more of them and will purchase products from them after they hear a good–and/or likable–speaker present).

Network: Felsburg has a wide network in the speaking world as well as in adult education, faith-based organizations, non-profit and industry.

Felsburg can also promote author’s products on his own social media sites. He can blog – driving traffic to the author’s website.