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This paperback and ebook tells the story of a woman raised in affluent suburban Detroit, with strict Methodist, Midwestern values as the bulwark of her emotional and physical life. That is, until she’s 17 and begins making choices against her better judgment, reveling in the thrill of risk-taking. In the face of manipulative family deception, a girl and then a woman, trying and failing to follow rules, explores her own defiant nature, raw sexuality, and development of fierce feminist values.
This book took years to write. Extensively researched, it makes a cogent argument that men and women have different communication styles. While the situation doesn’t include every instance—it makes a clear case that, in general, men are more competitive and women are more cooperative. In this gender confused society we live in, this book stays true to creation order.

On Guard: The Four Pillars of Leadership, the story of a soldier who came to America from Liberia in the 1970’s and served in the US military for over 30 years in places like Iraq and Central America, was released in October, 2020.

A question asked in the very first chapter is, “What is your plan for the next Ebola-like crisis?” The author, Lt. Col. (Ret.) Daniel E. Harris, with assistance from writer FJ Felsburg, goes on to explain that there will be another Ebola. It could be a flood, a famine, a fire, or a pandemic. That beginning to this book turned out to be prescient as we are now in the throes of the coronavirus.

The book walks you through decisions that are made at the highest levels of the Army National Guard. Not only does it address biological warfare, but it also addresses the WTC attacks, Hurricane Katrina, Superstorm Sandy, cyberwarfare and other existential threats to our planet and how to lead humanity through these challenges. 

This is a compilation of discrete content—an assortment of poems gathered over the years by the poet. I helped her with editing decisions and published the volume for her.


This is a legacy book that was written for the author’s progeny. It includes quite a few photographs as well as stories from the author’s life. A memoir.
This is a work of creative non-fiction that the author had always dreamed of publishing. She visualized it happening one day while she was at the seashore. She promotes it with word-of-mouth advertising and speaking engagements.


I collaborated with this author on the manuscript. We met regularly over time to put the finishing touches on it. He opted to have it published elsewhere. It is also available as an audiobook.
Your book goes here!


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